Did you know that establishing a corporation for your talent and/or services can save you up to 17% in taxes?
Would you like to eliminate debt, increase your credit score and establish a cash reserve?
So you sold your idea/song and now you’re in a new tax bracket! Learn what counts as business expenses and lower your taxable income?
Do you have enough disability insurance to cover your income in the event you are too sick or injured to work?
Would you like assistance with investments and planning for retirement?
Instead of burdening your family with heavy expenses, would you like to leave a legacy with life insurance?

From one creative to another, I know managing money and financial planning can be overwhelming.
With an MBA in Finance from Pepperdine University and over 16 years of experience working with athletes, celebrities, corporations, and creatives, I am here to tell you there are easy and understandable ways to manage your money and be advised properly.
I want to help you achieve your short and long-term dreams. And I know you have big goals for yourself.
I sang and traveled the world with Kanye West and the Sunday Service Choir until the pandemic shut us down.
I am a classically trained pianist and piano teacher.
I was also in Dream Girls and won the best musical of the year in Noho 2018.
So I understand your creative brain and the success and the pitfalls of being a creative entrepreneur.

Extensive experience with artists, musicians, tech, creatives, athletes, celebrities and more!

Steve & Marjorie Harvey Foundation

Nonprofit consultant for with Ataveus Cash

In addition to teaching, singing, playing the piano, traveling the world, and public speaking, Amber's community outreach extends from her local church in Los Angeles to educational programs in South Africa. She began her philanthropic career with the Magic Johnson Foundation, where she worked closely with Magic Johnson and other world leaders to provide scholarships, internships, mentors, and personal development for thousands of inner-city youth.
In 2008, Amber branched out to become an independent nonprofit consultant for athletes, celebrities, and corporations. She has worked with such clients as Magic Johnson, Steve & Marjorie Harvey Foundation, Percy Miller, aka Master P, and Ataveus Cash, former NFL player with the Red Skins. Her role as a consultant includes training, strategic planning, programming, corporate sponsorships, and creating innovative fundraising opportunities for charities.
Increase Your Net Worth!
Amber Grant is currently the CEO of Silver Lining Inc and provides financial planning, insurance solutions, business management, and tax planning to artists and entrepreneurs.
Her goal is to educate the working population on how to plan for retirement, eliminate debt, increase their net worth, prepare for the unexpected, and pass on generational wealth. She offers free financial consultations to anyone in need.

Schedule your complimentary Money Map Call so we can make some major impact on your financial journey today!

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